
Free graph generator for your day-to-day calculations

At Koshegio it's not just about calculations, we seek simplicity.

Free online statistics and machine learning calculator for everyone, they are not just words, use our services and discover us.


This is a project in progress

We are constantly working to improve, offering more options that can meet your demands. If today is not possible, tomorrow it will be.

The data is managed in your browser

We are committed to offering you the privacy that you deserve. We neither access your data nor do we want to. Because your data is yours.

We take your security very seriously

We work permanently to guarantee an optimal experience where you can feel safe.

Simplicity in day-to-day calculations

Free graphics generator that provides you with images that you can download for free. We do our best to help you interpret your results easily.

Service Structure

We organize the services provided in a way that facilitates their use. Our goal is to seek simplicity

Machine learning for everyone

You don't need to use expensive software or have to master a programming language, just use Koshegio's services.

Scatter plot Binomial distribution

Find all our online tools that refer to statistical and machine learning calculators

Graphs that help you interpret your data

The goal of the statistical and machine learning calculators that we are developing is not only to provide results, but also to help in the data analysis process in a simple and intuitive way, thanks to our graph generation tools.

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